In a change to our printed schedule, we have amended the classes for our End of Season Show, which is being held this Sunday at Nutwell Court.
Booking is now available on our website, pre-booking is preferred, but we will take bookings on the day if there is space in the class that you want to enter.
SUNDAY, 11 September 2022
End of Season Pony/Horse Show with Dressage and Fun Dog Show
at Nutwell Court, Lympstone, Nr EX8 5AJ
(By kind permission of Mr and Mrs N Lee)
Main Show Sponsor:
S Cox & Co Construction
Sponsored by:
Hidden Oak Equine and Country
Avocet Wealth Partnership
Bicton Park Botanical Gardens
· Novice Class Restrictions - The COMBINATION must not have been placed 1st in any of the Classes entered (other than at Exe Equestrian Club Shows, this concession is for 3 consecutive years only)
· A trophy will be presented at the AGM to the Exe Equestrian Club member gaining the highest number of points on the Show Day on one pony/horse.
· Hors Concurs (HC) welcome in all classes.
· Rosettes to 6th place
Entry Prices
Members - Rings 1, 3, 4, 5 - £5 per class
Non-Members - Rings 1, 3, 4, 5 - £7 per class
Ring 2 - Clear Round and Handy Pony - £3 Fancy Dress - £1
Dog Show - Ring 6 - £2 per class or 3 classes for £5
RING 1 – Sponsored by Bicton Park Botanical Gardens
Novice Restrictions –. The COMBINATION must not have been placed 1st in any of the Classes entered (other than at Exe Equestrian Club Shows, this concession is for 3 consecutive years only)
All double clear rounds receive a rosette.
Single Phase Jumping – The Rider will jump the first 5 jumps and if faults are incurred, they will be eliminated. However, as an optional extra, they may re-take the first 5 jumps again before leaving the ring. If clear, they will carry on finishing the course against the clock, with the fastest clear combination winning the class. All jumps in the timed section will be 7-8cm higher than the 1st five jumps.
PLEASE NOTE: All Classes, if the first round is clear, the second round will follow immediately.
1. Restricted Novice 30cm Over short course. Riders aged 16 years and under only, may be led. 2nd round not against the clock. (Adults may only compete in this class HC).
2. Restricted Novice 30cm – Riders aged 16 years or under, may be accompanied in the ring for confidence only (not to give assistance) May not be led. 2nd round against the clock.
3. Restricted Novice 40cm – May not be led. 2nd round against the clock.
4. Restricted Novice 50cm – May not be led. 2nd round against the clock.
5. Jumps 50cm-60cm maximum
Single Phase Jumping as above.
6. Jumps 60cm-70cm maximum.
Single Phase Jumping as above.
7. Jumps 70cm - 80cm maximum
Single Phase Jumping as above.
8. Jumps 80cm - 90cm maximum
Single Phase Jumping as above.
Non-competitive, choose the height of your jumps. Rosettes for all clear rounds.
Lucky dip prize for winner 12 years or under.
SHOWING - Sponsored by Hidden Oak Equine and Country
· Classes may be split or amalgamated at Judge’s discretion.
· All Ridden Classes will be required to give a short individual show. This should consist of walk, trot and canter on both reins and ideally should last no longer than 2-3 minutes.
Showing - In-Hand Classes
Horse / Pony any height, competitor any age, unless otherwise stated.
Classes may be split at Judge’s discretion.
9. Best Young Stock 1-3 years
10. Best Hack/Hunter/Riding horse exceeding 14.2hh
11. Best Turned Out Pony and Competitor (Special Rosette for the Best Plaited Tail)
12. Best Show/Hunter Pony (not to exceed 14.2hh)
13. Best Condition
14. Best Cob – (to include show cobs, maxi cobs and traditional cobs)
15. Best Mountain and Moorland (Registered or Unregistered inc Dartmoor Hill ponies)
16. Best (any) coloured (open to piebalds, skewbalds, spotted/appaloosa and palominos)
17. Best Veteran Pony/Horse minimum age 15 years old
18. Best (any) Breed not specified in other classes
SHOWING - Ridden Classes
Pony/horse any height, competitor any age, unless otherwise stated.
Classes may be split at the Judge’s discretion.
May be led.
19. Tack and Turn Out - No show required, to be judged entirely on turnout of horse and rider. (Special Rosette for Best Plaited Tail)
20. Lead Rein / first ridden Pony (walk and trot only, rider under 13years old)
21. Best Combination 16 years and over
22. Best Combination 15 years and under
23. Hack / Hunter / Ridden horse exceeding 14.2hh.
24. Show / Hunter pony (not exceeding 14.2hh)
25. Best (any) Mountain and Moorland (Registered or unregistered including Dartmoor Hill ponies)
26. Best Cob Type (open to show cobs, maxi cobs and traditional cobs)
27. Best coloured horse or pony (open to piebalds, skewbalds, spotted/appaloosa and palominos)
28. Best Veteran Pony/Horse – minimum age 15 years
RING 5 – Sponsored by Avocet Wealth Partnership
29. ECC 50th Anniversary 2022 Walk and Trot
30. ECC 50th Anniversary 2022 Walk, Trot and Canter
RING 6 – Sponsored by Avocet Wealth Partnership
1. Prettiest Bitch
2. Handsomest Dog
3. Waggiest Tail
4. Fastest Bonio Eater
5. Best Rescued Dog
6. Agility Class
7. Dog Who looks most like their owner
8. Best Veteran over 7 years
9. Best puppy under 12 months
10. Junior Handler – 10 years and under
11. Junior Handler – 11-14 years
12. Most Appealing Eyes
13. Best Small Dog 18” and under
14. Best Big Dog over 18”
15. Best Pair of Dogs
16. Best Trick
17. Scruffiest Dog
18. Fancy Dress
19. BEST IN SHOW – all 1st placed winners.