Membership for the 2019 season is now open.
Membership application forms are available on our website under the 'Membership' Tab
https://www.exe-equestrian.co.uk/membership and you can then direct credit you membership fee into the Club Bank Account.
Details are:
Account Name: Exe Equestrian Club
Account No: 01191535
Sort Code: 40-20-32
Please use your surname as a reference.
Alternatively, you can download the form (link at the bottom of the Membership page) print
and send it together with a cheque made payable to Exe Equestrian Club to:
Mrs Fran Lodwig
Membership Secretary
Lower Bagmores Farm
Membership fees are:
Junior (16 yrs or under) £8
Seniors (17 yrs and over) £14
Family (all living at the same address) £20
We look forward to seeing you at our Events in 2019.