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Open Show with Dressage and Fun Dog Show at Nutwell Court, Lympstone

Writer's picture: Exe Equestrian ClubExe Equestrian Club

SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2019

Open Show with Dressage and Fun Dog Show

At Nutwell Court, Lympstone, Nr EX8 5AJ.

Signposted from A376 Exeter/Exmouth Road)

(By kind permission of Mr and Mrs N Lee,)

Main Show Sponsor: St David’s Equine Veterinary Practice

Sponsored by: Leesons, Corner House Vet Surgery

and Devon Rosettes

Vouchers donated by: Wychanger Barton

Championship Winners’ sashes kindly donated by

Devon Rosettes.

  • A Silver Salver donated by Paul Ashby-Crane, together with a smaller replica to keep donated by Collette Ashby-Crane will be presented at the AGM to the Club’s Senior Member and a Trophy will be presented to the Club’s Junior Member aged 16 years or under, having gained the most points throughout the show day on one horse.

  • The Frances Margaret Sculpture will be presented at the AGM to the rider of the Supreme Show Champion (if an Exe Equestrian Club Member) limited to a maximum of 3 consecutive years.

  • Trophies will also be awarded on the day to the highest placed Club Member in each class.

  • HC Riders welcome in all classes.

  • Rosettes to 6thplace.


09:30 Clear Round Show Jumping

10:00 Showing, Show Jumping and Working Hunter Classes

11:00 Dog Show



Rings 1, 3, 4 and Dressage

£7 per class for the first 3 entries, thereafter £6 per entry.



Rings 1, 3, 4 and Dressage

£8 per class for the first 3 entries, thereafter £7 per entry.

Pay at Ring Side for:

Ring 2

£3.00 per entry

Ring 5 - Dog Show

£1.00 per class



1. Restricted Novice Show Jumping 2’0”

Maximum 1st round – Rider not to have been previously placed 1st in any Show Jumping Class (other than at Exe Equestrian Club’s Shows, this concession is for 3 consecutive years only).

PLEASE NOTE: If first round is clear the 2nd round will follow immediately.

2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Single Phase Jumping– The Rider will jump the first 5 jumps and if faults are incurred they will be eliminated. However, as an optional extra, they may re-take the first 5 jumps again before leaving the ring. If clear, they will carry on finishing the course against the clock, with the fastest clear combination winning the class. All jumps in the timed section will be 3” higher than the 1stfive jumps.

2. Jumps 2’0” – 2’3” maximum

Single Phase Jumping as above.

3. Jumps 2’3” - 2’6” maximum

Single Phase Jumping as above.

4. Jumps 2’6” - 2’9” maximum

Single Phase Jumping as above.

5. Jumps 2’9” - 3’0” maximum

Single Phase Jumping as above.

6. Jumps 3’0” – 3’3” maximum.

Single Phase Jumping as above.


All Winners to parade for Judging. “Champion Show Jumper” sash will be awarded to winner, with entry to Overall Championship Class in Ring 4.



Non-competitive, choose the height of your jumps. Rosettes for all clear rounds.

DRESSAGE – FROM 11:00 – 14:00

Limited to 30 Riders within that time.

INTRO (C) Introductory Walk and Trot Test C (2016)

PRELIM 2 Preliminary Test 2 (2016) revised

PRELIM 18 Preliminary Test 18 (2016) revised

PLEASE NOTE: No specified time will be given when entering and any test may be taken at any time between 11:00-14:00.

A sash will be awarded to the rider gaining the highest number of point overall.



7. Ridden Hunter over 14.2hh

Not required to jump.

8. Ridden Hunter Pony. 14.2hh and under

Not required to jump.

9. Working Hunter over 14.2hh

Jumps approx. 2’9”

10. Working Hunter Pony 14.2hh and under

Jumps approx. 2’3”

11. Novice Working Hunter

Combination never to have been placed 1st in a Working Hunter Class (other than at Exe Equestrian Club’s Shows. This concession is for 3 consecutive years only).

12. Working Hunter In-hand Class (aka Model Class)

Bridle only. Judged on horse’s conformation.

13. Green Hunter

Jumps approx. 2’3”. For horses starting their hunting career. Judged on their potential.

14. Hunt Seat Equitation

Evaluates the Rider, not the horse. Individually, horses must work a pattern of manoeuvers such as changing gaits (walk, trot and canter), travelling in a figure of 8 and backing up. Jumps approx. 2’3”. Emphasis is placed on the rider’s ability to sit in the saddle correctly and control of the horse.


All winners to parade for Judging. “Champion Working Hunter” Sash will be awarded to the winner, with entry to the Overall Show Championship Class in Ring 4.



  • Pony / horse any age / height and competitor any age.

  • Classes may be split or amalgamated at Judge’s discretion.

  • May not be led.

15. Best Turned out Pony/Horse and rider. Special rosette for the Best Plaited Tail.

16. Best Leading Rein Pony/Horse.

17. Best First Pony/Horse – Rider, 12 yrs or under.

18. Best Combination Pony/Horse – Ridden.

19. Best Family Pony/Horse – 2 riders, age difference minimum 4 yrs.

20. Best Condition –In Hand.

21. Best Conformation –In Hand.

22. Best (any) Mountain and Moorland Type –In Hand or Ridden.

23. Best (any) Coloured Pony / Horse –In Hand or Ridden.

24. Best Cob Type –In Hand or Ridden.

25. Best Veteran –Minimum 16 yrs, Ridden.


All winners to parade for judging. “Champion Show Pony” Sash and “Champion Show Horse” Sash will be awarded to winner, with entry to Overall Show Championship Class in Ring 4.


All 4 Champions to parade to be judged as Overall Show Champion. Supreme Show Champion Sash to be presented to the winner

The Frances Margaret Sculpture will be presented at the AGM to the winner, if an Exe Equestrian Club Member. Limited to 3 consecutive years.

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