Come and join in the fun at our Fun Dog Show on Sunday at Nutwell Court starting at 11 am.
1. Prettiest Bitch
2. Handsomest Dog
3. Waggiest Tail
4. Fastest Bonio Eater
5. Best Rescued Dog
6. Agility Class
7. Dog Who looks most like their owner
8. Best Veteran over 7 years
9. Best puppy under 12 months
10. Junior Handler – under 14 years
11. Most Appealing Eyes
12. Best Small Dog 18” and under
13. Best Big Dog over 18”
14. Best Pair of Dogs
15. Best Trick
16. Scruffiest Dog
17. Consolation – Not to have won a prize
18. BEST IN SHOW – all 1st placed winners.