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Novice Show - Sunday, 10 June 2018

Sandra Hawkins

After the disappointment of having to cancel a recent show due to the weather, it was with relief that the day was perfect for the first Novice Fun Horse/Pony and Dog Show held at Nutwell Court on Sunday.

Attendance was good and young or inexperienced riders took advantage of the varied classes available. Throughout the day riders came into the show jumping ring & showing ring, at times rather apprehensively, but invariably leaving it more confidently, many times with a rosette. The aim of this show is to encourage riders, whatever age they may be and we thank our experienced judges who give up their time to judge and offer riders advice to help improvement.

New classes to this show were Thelwell classes, again just for fun – pony with the shortest legs, best tail etc. These were enjoyed by competitors and spectators and hope that they will become more popular. Preceding this was the Fancy Dress won by George Newton, dressed as an owl with his pony Jemima as a tree. Second was Lizzie Warren-Blackwell as Red Riding Hood on her pony Bella.

The dog show as usual was very well attended, with dogs of all shapes and sizes, every dog went home with a rosette & gift so on this occasion there was no need for the consolation class!

This show was kindly sponsored by long standing sponsors Corner House Surgery and new sponsors to the club Bicton Botanical Gardens, sincere thanks to them both, not forgetting Nigel & Paula Lee for allowing us to use Nutwell Court, & all who helped in anyway.

Our next event is on Sunday July 1st – The Open Show with dressage & again a fun dog show. Please go to our WEB site for further details – all are welcome.

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